
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Just Being is Natural State

 Your duty is to Be, and not to be this or that.- Ramana Maharshi 

Be present here and now be complete and perfect undivided by mental formations, unfragmented by I, me, mine which are nothing but thoughts.

Just being is the natural state of being, this is awareness, this is presence; sink into it, and experience the vacant spaciousness, be patiently grounded there let the mind settle and as presence becomes transparent and clear watch thoughts appear and dissolve. Let all thoughts slow down, let inner stillness arise and attention becomes focused fully rest in this stillness. Just be and everything happens spontaneously and naturally effortlessly; no need to push anything away or suppress anything, any doing or effort would be an intervention just allow yourself -the ego-mind- to recede, all will naturally work itself out. It is just being not doing that is required. When dust settles, watch and contemplate the true nature of self. Being poised and equanimous in the non-local vastness of natural state of being, unperturbed; it is like the pointer of the scale at zero free, balanced, weightless. Similarly, the self is free, peaceful just sitting in awareness. Now imagine weight placed on scales causes jerky erratic movements of the pointer. Likewise, when attention shifts from being to outward objects scrambling with identification, grasping attachment to phenomenon of the mind, I awareness is now wobbly, tilting towards the ego world of objects; I is burdened, teetering with excitement or agitation and peace is disturbed. I am awareness is now I am agitated and the space of presence is space of agitation.

Rooted steadily in presence, natural silence pervades the space, observe the true nature -sense I am –that is suspended in openness immersed in stillness, and observe the fading away of identification with body mind and truth uncover spontaneously. Pass all assumptions drain out of being a person, idea of a character, all data beliefs opinions of being a separate individual. Be utterly vigilant because mind, it is still there, dormant, waiting to show up and slip into to polarity; be circumspect for the subtle ego mind tricks to take charge. 

Do nothing, just be. In being all happens naturally. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. –Sri Nisargadutta Maharaj


Sit in aware presence do nothing, speak nothing, and think nothing just watch as the truth about self unfold. This is spontaneous happening beyond verbal description an occurrence to be experienced. The book of knowledge opens to those who trust the process and just be; stillness speaks to those present who surrender to the presence, just let go of doing just be and yield to grace. 

πŸ™ May all beings find success on the path to self-realization.

Thank you!!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Sacred Silence

Silence is an empty space, space is the home of the awakened mind.- Gautama Buddha            

Silence represents the Buddha it is true nature of being of I am is Silence. It is freedom from all mind narratives and constructs of ego self that internal noise obscuring reality.   A quiet mind is a portal to the realization the eternal truth. Silence within is peace, bliss, compassion unconditional love, into which all sorrow, guilt, suffering dissolve.

Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. And hence Silence is the Self.- Ramana Maharshi

Silence referenced here is not physical silence absence of speech but to the internal mental unmoving stillness and peaceful quietness. A state in which, I has resolved devoid of phenomenal objects, state of being that is pure clarity spacious, empty presence, the illumination of unbounded limitless awareness. Silence is the source of I the ego, from which proliferates the body and world.  

Abiding in the silence is egolessness- there is no trace of ego arising and no mental movements. It is a state of alert beingness, unattached, free from ignorance, wholesomeness or oneness, a doorway to liberation. Firm abidance and merging into this wisdom will gradually uproot the delusion of I, me, mine, body and world.   When the false I, the ignorance dissolves in the core essence of aware presence the heart of silence only the authentic Self remains.

Silence cannot be attained or practiced, mind cannot be made silent. Trying to quieten a noise will only leads to further noise and chaos. Natural state of Silence is revealed beyond the mind when dualistic nature is transcended, awareness is beyond the business of concepts and when conflict of identification is dropped and mind settles, then silence reveals itself just as the sunshine emerges from behind the moving clouds. Silence is the fundamental substratum of eternity, silence is awareness, presence, and the undercurrent of all creation, silence permeates.

Resting in silence that is free from rising I, free from division and noisy confusion is the highest knowledge, divine consciousness. Realization of true state of silence is freedom from illusion, world of sense perceptions, dissolution of time and space, beyond boundaries of conceptual frame work. In this state, there is only – I that is aware witnessing present moment in which the undivided whole evolving and dissolving here and now.

Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dawning of inner silence is the guiding light, the grace, the guru. One who turns towards this inner light seeks refuge within, surrenders to the grace of the divine guru- such a being will be absorbed into the truth, ego dissolves and is effortlessly liberated. The truth of I is aware silent empty presence yet infinite potential.

πŸ™ May all be freed from suffering and may their true nature awaken. 

Thank you. πŸ™


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Process of Awareness

This perception of division between the seer and the object that is seen, is situated in the mind. For those remaining in the heart, the seer becomes one with the sight.“ —  Ramana Maharshi

True nature of I is unbound wholeness in its perfection is open and receptive to all that passes through. Subject and object arise together against the background of boundless awareness. But awareness is overlooked, as the focus is on that which is arising, thoughts, feelings perceptions etc. I am angry, this thought arises mutually with awareness, obviously only then it can be known. However, -I am angry, if this grabs attention then, it creates separation of a limited self from the whole and awareness is veiled or obscured. Thought then proliferates into other thoughts, emotions and bodily action. The fallacy of I residing behind the eyes interacting with my world is due to subject object split caused by intervention of thought. This conventional way of living from grasping of false identification as I, and attachment with the illusory world is the cause of misery and suffering.

In the gap between the Subject and the Object lies the entire misery of humankind ~Krishnamurti

Thought activity happens in the indivisible whole of aware presence and eventually dissolves in awareness, it is a temporary modulation of awareness and witnessed by itself. But the subject object duality is caused by hindrance from thought. This erroneous subject object play happening automatically generates an imaginary subject within, who knows objects outside. Default living in busy noisy minds thinking, reacting, judging, evaluating, concretizes the sense of I, me, myself.

Mirror is merely a surface which reflects but itself can own nothing. Similarly, experiences are passing reflections cannot be owned. Subject object of perception, are insubstantial appearances spontaneously co-arise with awareness from unconsciously by habitual thought activity, but they cannot exist independent of awareness. There is only act or process of happening, perceiving or more accurately process of awareness.

This clarifies the selfless nature of objects and true nature of subject, illusion of a separate self or person with body and mind. I am angry is only a thought, it is inconsequential when it is unattended and let go. There is no person to claim ownership for anything arising. There are no obscuring or veiling by subject object as these are also passing phenomenon in awareness.  The whole play is of aware presence complicated by habitual egoic identification which is nothing but a display of awareness as it forks itself into various parts and merges back into the source. As a beam of white light is spilt into band of different colors by a prism. What I am is neither the observer nor observed but I am is the aliveness, a function of unceasing observing of aware presence. As subject object dissolve the natural self becomes obvious.

The seer and the seen together constitute the mind. See if there is such a thing as the mind. Then, the mind merges in the Self, and there is neither the seer nor the seen. – Sri Ramana

πŸ™ May all be freed from suffering and may their true nature awaken. 

Thank you! πŸ™


Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sense of Lack

 I think so many times we feel like we're lacking something in our lives and we try to fill it with the wrong things. Sometimes it's drugs, sometimes it's a relationship you shouldn't be in. -Stacie Orrico

"there is something wrong with me, there is something missing” this is egoic mind that causes a deep-seated sense of lack or incompleteness, of not being whole manifests as insecurity and ungroundedness. Likewise, ego narrates, I am not pretty, too fat, not knowledgeable or not talented, not rich enough etc. This feeling of inadequacy, deficiency, is an epidemic and begins early as children, a sense of unworthiness comes from parents and family judging and criticizing for falling short of being the best in everything, for not being special, should work harder, look a certain way, act a certain way.

I lack this….means that I feel something is wrong with me right now, a hole, and hollowness at the core of my being that needs to be filled. In response to feeling of present incompleteness, triggers an urge and hope to find that I believes would fill the cavity and gives happiness in future. Then I starts planning projects for more money, better relationships, ideal partner, family, successful career, material assets etc. Accomplishment of goals and ambitions attainments may briefly bring peace but soon lack is back.

Investigate mind patterns; who is lacking? Where is lack arising from? Don’t expect to resolve the sense of lack in the realm of a doer, for a desire to feel complete, it is nothing but serving the self. Watch habitual behavior -desire, lust, cravings, and neediness arising from unconscious mind. The egoic compulsive pursuit for gratification to fulfill the inadequacy.

When you feel yourself lacking something, send your thoughts towards your Intimate and search for the Divinity that lives within you.- Aristotle

Lacking and poverty mindset is conditioned thinking is part of egoic consciousness and being unawareness of it. A model that does not realize the presence of Self in the moment is lost in perpetuating thoughts of sense of neediness that manifests in reality -never to be filled; a bottomless pit. And so the seeking goes on and on – always waiting for a permanent sense of total completion that never comes.

Sense of lack that everyone is trying to escape in various ways. Depends if you are a person with a history or a being gone beyond all historical stories; trying to find completion in time through getting stuffed.  Seek freedom from sense of lack by going beyond to the awareness and see the truth. Being the presence in the background empowers to choose the right action and not succumb to the thoughts of lack. Giving and generosity is powerful antidote for sense of lack, it is affirmation of abundance. This practice can awaken true intelligence and strengthen awareness.

Sense or feeling of incompleteness can be a nudge from grace, a gentle reminder of a time to let go, to think for a possible change in direction in life, explore and realize the true potential, the true self and the fullness of life.

Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.- Laozi

πŸ™ May all be freed from suffering and may their true nature awaken. 

Thank you. πŸ™πŸ™

Sunday, October 24, 2021

I Stories

“We are all born as storytellers. Our inner voice tells the first story we ever hear.” ― Kamand Kojouri

Believing the narratives woven by thoughts people live a fictional life. The melodrama, fantastic romance, dreams, tragedies, the ego tells the story to itself. Filling the space with imagination, hopes, wishes, fantasy, riding high in ecstasy, and low down in dumps in its own narration. It is like turning pages of fictional novel. It has everything victimization, heroism romancing and story is incomplete without a villain. Family drama revolving around neglect abuse blame and scapegoatism. It is all about I, me, mine; a person emerges from the story. If one doesn’t have a story, if one is not a character in a story then one don’t exist. Mind is a story telling machine. Hence, it is not easy to not believe in a story. Story for everything bad marriage, problematic children, loneliness, an enlightenment story. Even prepared to kill or die for a religious fiction, an ideal or a principle in pursuit of heaven.

Thoughts drag one into falsely created drama only when there is reaction to the stories. Stories to manipulate each other and configure relationships. The person stories acted out seem so real, and hard to get out of the convoluted mess. Believing in external circumstances and drama of bad relationships, difficult marriage etc making it worse and strengthens the character.

Dis-identifying and disengaging from stories, when one stops living in stories, fictions and delusions, then the mind space clears. Seeing through the romance and tragedy, truth is revealed then they seem foolish and comical. Life experiences seems silly and trivial which once appeared as life and death situations.

Commit to detached observation of oneself, be present and know the truth about -my life stories. See the Self is absolute awareness, an impersonal witnessing presence in which all such stories appear.

Do we really want the truth, or do we want a truth that fits our narrative? -Daniel Cameron

Transcending the ego, realizing the truth of Self and realizing the falseness of the story and the character is liberating. But unaware of the truth an ego mind would be lost in darkness, may be driven to psychosis being terrified of its own nonexistence, when it is characterless without a story. This fragile vulnerable ego can easily be caught in another’s story that would be a never ending story. Ego is dependent and founded on life chronicles, it exists and sustains on stories.

I stories are always forever incomplete, hoping, searching and moving towards a happy future. Pay no attention to any I stories —they all are false.

“As human beings, we are all not conducting just one narrative but many narratives all at the same time.” ― David Hare

πŸ™ May I be the guiding light for all those on the path to realize their true nature.

Thankyou !!


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Look Behind Clouds

You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather. ― Pema ChΓΆdrΓΆn

Fundamental nature is like clear blue sky open, infinite, uncompounded. The clouds appearing across the sky gives the dual view cloud is blocking or obscuring the view of sky. Similarly, we get involved and lost in all that is arising in mind thoughts feelings images perception. Accepting, rejecting, editing, manipulating, constructing to our preferences. But the sky behind the clouds is unaffected remains clear pristine blue, it stays unnoticed, forgotten. Likewise, our true nondual nature is forgotten due to being completely lost in the clouds of appearances that obscures.

We have knowledge that there is clearance behind the clouds, but this knowledge is futile useless, unless, we directly experience the truth, the clarity behind the clouds, which our true nature is. Truth is the open sky aware presence generous, non-judgmental, unbiased, open spacious self, being open to unobstructed flow of life. The oneness nature of awareness in which manifestation that seems to be appearing outside and experience that seems to happening within, but actually all are indeed Oneness.

Every cloud comes adrifting across the sky to tell us its story! ― Avijeet Das

Although lost in the cloudy mind, realize that I am not the cloud, inspite, of all that is arising I am not separate from the essence. Illusions and impurities cause separation of clouds from the sky, and I am is overly fascinated and invested in clouds of phenomenon. Note that all is just movement, ceaselessly moving as clouds in the sky, there is –“no thing” happening. But things that seem to appear are constructed by our own imaginations and interpretations of the passing momentary events. Realization is we are created from the essence of oneness of awareness. All phenomenon arises in infinite vast awareness, it is also the source and experiencer of phenomenon. Realize the incessant chatting which intercepts and blocks the flow of phenomenon splits the experience into subject object. Heaps of such layers strengthens the separate I, me, mine. Compulsive engagement in illusory beliefs, and obsessed with goals and ambitions building structures from passing clouds are destined to dissolve into the sky.

The sky and the sun are always there. It’s the clouds that come and go. – Rachel Joyce

πŸ™ May all my wholesome efforts brighten the path for all beings on the path.

Thankyou!! πŸ™

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Boundless Space

The Buddha said, “O Nobly Born, remember the pure open sky of your own true nature. Return to it. Trust it. It is home.”

Our default habitual tendency is to notice things in space rather than the space in between things. Walking into a room, it is the amount of stuff occupying the room impresses but not the empty space itself containing all stuff. Unoccupied space in uninteresting and wasted, so put an object there to beautify. By shifting focus from objects arising to beyond object- the field of awareness; from foreground to the background shifts observing from egoic self and accumulations to the open space of presence.

Tunnel vision of observing self, tightens the mind causes tension following a thought, analyzing ideas, working on emotions feelings and defilements. Instead, letting go to open vast awareness mind stabilizes easily and still, pleasant effortless concentration arises. In vast openness the rich wholeness of manifestation and capacity to receive comes together. But in narrow view via filters of separate self, come attachment, conflict confusion unskillful actions and consequences.

Practice relaxed sitting with senses wide open, shift awareness from one pointed witnessing of thoughts and feelings and sensations to open boundless space of experiencing not picking or choosing to focus, but maintaining an evenness of attention on whatever arises in the space of awareness. Presence becomes vast sky-like, barrier of inside outside dissolves, body melting into heaps of sensations, a conduit of awareness passage for sensations, thoughts feeling images and breath waving through. Notice, The observer merges into the vast space just as all other phenomenon, there is none looking at the open spacious awareness but open space itself. Every passing moment note changing nature of mind release habitual entanglement in ordinary sense of self dissolves and identification becomes selfless and free. 

The egoic self, personal I -focus on all that is arising, limits the view of the world amplifies painful narratives and suffering, perpetuates all neurotic thoughts and memories. Whereas,  widening the focus into the vast sky like spaciousness around and beyond all thoughts, images, feelings that pass through without conflict struggle, or harm and eventually dissipate in open presence. In this sense of expansiveness there is relief, smooth relaxed breathing, and with negligible or no impact of unskillful actions and tendencies. Open awareness is immediate and ever present, being here is liberating and it becomes the blissful resting place. 

It's a transformative experience to simply pause instead of immediately filling up space. -Pema Chodron

πŸ™ May I be the guiding light for all those on the path to realize their true nature.



Just Being is Natural State

  Your duty is to Be, and not to be this or that.- Ramana Maharshi   Be present here and now be complete and perfect undivided by mental f...