
Sunday, November 7, 2021

Process of Awareness

This perception of division between the seer and the object that is seen, is situated in the mind. For those remaining in the heart, the seer becomes one with the sight.“ —  Ramana Maharshi

True nature of I is unbound wholeness in its perfection is open and receptive to all that passes through. Subject and object arise together against the background of boundless awareness. But awareness is overlooked, as the focus is on that which is arising, thoughts, feelings perceptions etc. I am angry, this thought arises mutually with awareness, obviously only then it can be known. However, -I am angry, if this grabs attention then, it creates separation of a limited self from the whole and awareness is veiled or obscured. Thought then proliferates into other thoughts, emotions and bodily action. The fallacy of I residing behind the eyes interacting with my world is due to subject object split caused by intervention of thought. This conventional way of living from grasping of false identification as I, and attachment with the illusory world is the cause of misery and suffering.

In the gap between the Subject and the Object lies the entire misery of humankind ~Krishnamurti

Thought activity happens in the indivisible whole of aware presence and eventually dissolves in awareness, it is a temporary modulation of awareness and witnessed by itself. But the subject object duality is caused by hindrance from thought. This erroneous subject object play happening automatically generates an imaginary subject within, who knows objects outside. Default living in busy noisy minds thinking, reacting, judging, evaluating, concretizes the sense of I, me, myself.

Mirror is merely a surface which reflects but itself can own nothing. Similarly, experiences are passing reflections cannot be owned. Subject object of perception, are insubstantial appearances spontaneously co-arise with awareness from unconsciously by habitual thought activity, but they cannot exist independent of awareness. There is only act or process of happening, perceiving or more accurately process of awareness.

This clarifies the selfless nature of objects and true nature of subject, illusion of a separate self or person with body and mind. I am angry is only a thought, it is inconsequential when it is unattended and let go. There is no person to claim ownership for anything arising. There are no obscuring or veiling by subject object as these are also passing phenomenon in awareness.  The whole play is of aware presence complicated by habitual egoic identification which is nothing but a display of awareness as it forks itself into various parts and merges back into the source. As a beam of white light is spilt into band of different colors by a prism. What I am is neither the observer nor observed but I am is the aliveness, a function of unceasing observing of aware presence. As subject object dissolve the natural self becomes obvious.

The seer and the seen together constitute the mind. See if there is such a thing as the mind. Then, the mind merges in the Self, and there is neither the seer nor the seen. – Sri Ramana

🙏 May all be freed from suffering and may their true nature awaken. 

Thank you! 🙏


Just Being is Natural State

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