
Sunday, September 19, 2021


Let what comes come, let what goes go. - Ramana Maharshi            

All relative phenomena or appearances arise and disappear in awareness like waves on surface of the ocean caused by winds. Ocean of awareness, bubbles and waves arising on the surface are all the appearances perceived by the senses caused by stirring of awareness. Waves cannot be separated from the ocean, phenomenon arise from awareness cannot be segregated from it, they are non-dualistic. Both samsara and nirvana are manifestations pervaded by the same awareness, it is the basis for every kind of manifestation.

The appearances are contents of the aware presence. These are magical illusions spontaneously emerging modulations of consciousness, moment by moment changing dream-like appearances, fantasies, perceptions, thoughts. They are unsubstantial, do not possess any independent identity or inherent self-existence outside of consciousness awareness which is both conceiving and perceiving them.

Christ, Buddha, and Krishna are but waves in the Ocean of Infinite Consciousness that I am! ~ Swami Vivekananda

Even a “person” body-mind are illusory dream, empty name and form appearing in awareness.  Phenomena are constant folding and unfolding changing forms appear as color, shape, taste, texture. But awareness obscured by conditioned ignorance and deluded thoughts create the illusory appearances of changing forms, due to which they seem to exist independently as separate objects. This dualistic view of reality a mind projection, a finite experience of subject/object, good/bad etc a world of objects which are actually not there but produced by figment of fantasy. Nevertheless, all phenomena, are by nature beyond duality, beyond all false discriminations created by the mind; insubstantial and empty of intrinsic beingness.

Where consciousness is concerned, the appearance is the reality.— John Searle

All is born within sphere of non-duality, abide and function within non-duality, and finally disappears into the ocean of non-duality. Just as all beings born into this world of duality, live life in diversity and multiplicity and pass away into nothingness all occurring within the space of non-duality. Similar to wave forms arising continually changing on the ocean surface, but the water itself remains as one seamless whole.

This sea of aware presence, I Am open spaciousness being is impersonal absolute vastness. All sensation and perception, each thought and experience, rise and fall within I the awareness selfless consciousness in which the drama of life, dream-like World & Me, mine, myself unfolds.

No matter what sort of appearance or experience, none lasts, but I Am the aware presence is the radiant ground for unceasing manifestation, conceiving perceiving each thing, yet remains unaffected, unassociated I Am, the essence of awareness. Therefore, all phenomenon is none other than me.

Just as all images borrow their reality from the screen, so all thoughts, sensations and perceptions borrow their seeming reality from myself, awareness.-Rupert Spira

🙏 May all beings be benefitted by the arising merit and wisdom. 



Just Being is Natural State

  Your duty is to Be, and not to be this or that.- Ramana Maharshi   Be present here and now be complete and perfect undivided by mental f...